Best of the Best in Raleigh/Wake Forest- Trusted In-Home Tutoring
Tutor Doctor
Raleigh and Wake Forest
Best of The Best 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 for Tutoring in North Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville Area
Serving Raleigh, Wake Forest, Rolesville, Creedmoor, Youngsville, Cary, Garner, and the surrounding areas of the Triangle
Our Difference
Tutor Doctor Raleigh & Wake Forest provides affordable one-on-one in home tutoring. We create an individualized educational plan for each student and match tutors based on the student's academic needs and personality. Tutor Doctor can provide support to classroom instruction and assignments and go back and deal with building blocks that were missed. One-on-one tutoring helps students build confidence, and get individualized support and better grades. At Tutor Doctor we recognize that making a difference in a student's academic performance involves having an impact on not only their studies, but also the student's confidence, organizational/study skills, and dreams. Our X-Skills program helps students develop some of their Executive Functioning Skills which can be developed along with academic tutoring. We want to make a lasting difference in our students' lives.
Math Tutoring
If you are looking for one-on-one support for students who have varying learning challenges, Tutor Doctor can help. One-on-one tutoring helps eliminate the stress some of your students may be experiencing in the classroom. Tutor Doctor works with families who have students who require additional support to manage their studies in the classroom and in your home.
Keywords: Math Tutoring, Academic Coaching & Tutoring, Autism and Special Needs Academic Support, TEST Preparation & Tutoring,